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Creative and Contemplative Handwork Is a Deep Practice

Creative and Contemplative Handwork is a deep creative, spiritual, emotional and emotional practice. The process of making something which tangibly demonstrates our inner state and represents our inner process reaches deep within us, taps into and brings out emotion and experience that cannot be found or expressed otherwise. If a picture is worth a thousand words, a picture that the Self creates is worth a hundred thousand words. We create something for which we have no words; we express experience and emotion for which we have no explanation. Then as we contemplate what we have made, words emerge and return to us from the depths of Soul. In this way, Creative and Contemplative Handwork become a conduit for energy that otherwise can get blocked and stagnate inside of us. -ScrapLady Sharon Barnes

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Although I couldn’t name it for many years, in painting I encountered the power of the inner critic to control and limit my life. This force that counters the desire to create is within each of us. Generally the critic doesn’t appear in full force until you are in a situation where you have the opportunity to do what you want, something important, and self-chosen, something with risk.

— Pat Allen, Art as a Way of Knowing