A CASIGY™ IS . . .
Creative, Curious, Complex
Acutely Aware
Intense, likely Introverted, often Independent Thinking, possibly Intuitive and/or
Gifted. Does This Describe
Then you may be a CASIGY™!
Do you have a vivid imagination? — pervasive curiosity? —a strong need to know that’s not easily satisfied? —a complex

Independent Thinkers, whom I like to call Mavericks, often perceive the world differently than others do. They also have a deep sense of an inner directive, and a need for their lives to conform to that inner directive. They have a different inner inner rhythm and they need to move to it. They are divergent thinkers, whose mind has one image, thought, feeling or idea that sparks another and then another, leading them on pathways that may not have existed until they discover them. This can cause trouble for a student in a classroom or an employee in a work place that wants or needs people to stay inside narrow or super-well defined limits. It can breed and grow the sense of being a MisFit who doesn’t belong. It can lead to conflict with the people in charge especially when they don’t understand or value this way of thinking, feeling or being in the world. In this kind of environment, it can lead to declining performance at school or work. Unless, of course, the classroom or the workplace is welcoming and valuing of this phenomenon and is well suited to a CASIGY who is an independent-thinking Maverick. Then this divergent thought pattern can open up new ways to have fun, ways to innovate in any field of endeavor, and new solutions to the world’s problems that conventionally-minded people might not recognize even if they stumble upon them.
Gifted people are highly intelligent, often creative, curious, complex, highly sensitive, intense, introverted people. Gifted people may also have asynchronous development—high levels of ability in some areas that far outstretch the norm, and at the same time may have other areas that are average or others that are below the norm. This may also be connected with what is called being Twice Exceptional (2E) or having Multiple Exceptionalities. The cognitive dissonance that this variance in levels of ability can create may be tremendous, and may have a profound ripple effect in the lives and families of gifted or 2E people.
The combination of the above situations often creates a great chasm of disconnect between you and others around you, sometimes even those in your families. This is especially true when none or only part of this asynchronous development is recognized and dealt with.

Ok, enough already!
By now it is painfully obvious that the characteristics that many others believe give CASIGYs™ an unfair advantage in life, instead may make your life more complex and more challenging than most.
But it’s NOT all bad news!
You’ll be happy to know that
Being A CASIGY™ Doesn’t Have to be a Downer
The good news is that your Awareness, Creativity, Curiosity, Complexity, Sensitivities, Intensities and Vulnerabilities don’t have to run or ruin your life. You CAN become fully alive and fulfill your true CASIGY™ destiny.
But how do you do that?
There are specific skill sets that can help CASIGYs™ heal, thrive and prosper. These skill sets include
- finding the Magic in being a MisFit!
- learning to cope with your exceptionalities
- healing from your wounds
- maximizing your CASIGY™ strengths transforming your liabilities into your greatest assets
- Balancing your CASIGY™ awareness, sensitivity, creativity, complexity, intensity and over-excitability.
- Recovering from the adversity that troubles you while harvesting the benefits hidden deeply within it.
- Discovering your Purpose and Mission and fulfilling your unique Destiny.
Sharon M. Barnes, MSSW, LCSW is attuned to your unique CASIGY™ needs.
She’ll help you release your creativity and channel it toward your goals. She’ll help you to develop skills and strength that will enhance your inner life, relationships and work. She provides powerful Tips, Tools and Training to help you discover your own CASIGY™ pathway to joy, healing and fulfillment. Sharon can accompany you on your pilgrimage through the wilderness of self-discovery until you reach your chosen Destination of Delight, if you choose to have her do so.