Thanks for visiting the
CASIGY™ Tool Box!
The CASIGY™ Tool Box Contains Tools to help CASIGYs thrive, heal, become fully alive and fulfill your destiny.

More are added periodically, so come back often to see what’s new! These are copyrighted downloadable files for your personal use only. You may share the link to these files as much as you wish, and please respect my copyright (or that of the other author(s). Just click on each title below, and the PDF will open up in your browser. They are organized in alphabetical order, for ease in finding them. Feel free to browse and use the tools that you find helpful now and return later to explore the others at another time.
If you have questions about any of them, feel free to phone me at 303-987-0346 or email me .
- Are you facing adversity-Hang Loose in the Washing Machine
- CASIGY Personal Power Pyramid
- CASIGY TNT (Tune-iN-Tool)
- CASIGY TNT (Tune-iN-Tool) Play Page for Kids
- Catch-N-Release CASIGY Coping Tool
- Emotions are Like Ocean Waves
- Gifted Kids Have a Mascot!
- How Are You Feeling Today?
- Misbehavior is an Attempt to Communicate Needs
- Monkey Magic
- Relaxation Breathing Exercises
- The Serenity Prayer
- The CASIGY Cycles of Discouragement and Encouragement
- Who’s a CASIGY?