Creative, Super-Sensitive and/or Gifted people (CASIGYs) may
  • Feel weird, different, defective, or inferior due to their
  • Feel like they’re aliens who don’t belong.
  • Dumb themselves down at school or work in an attempt to fit in.
  • Struggle with Super-sensitivity, Anxiety or (Existential) Depression.
  • Struggle with family or social relationships.
  • Experience distressing volcanic emotional eruptions, floods or meltdowns.
  • Be unable to fit in, feeling like they have wasted their ability, wasted their intelligence, wasted their lives.
Every day as I talk with CASIGY™ adults and parents of CASIGY™ children, I hear stories of the distress that these common concerns cause.

Every day as I talk with CASIGY™ adults and parents of CASIGY™ children, I hear stories of the distress that these common concerns cause.

Concerns common to CASIGYs, that is.

CASIGYs tell me about their distress, thinking that it will be new and different to me, afraid that their pain is so unusual that it is not comprehensible and certainly not solvable.

What they find out as we talk is that

  • these are Common CASIGY™ Concerns
  • I have been helping other CASIGYs solve these problems for a long time now
  • There are things they can DO that will HELP, and help quickly
THE CASIGY™ ACES Program evolved from the tools that my counseling clients have found helpful. So many of the same tools were helpful to so many of my clients that one day I woke up to the idea to make these tools available to others also.
I have finally found a way to do just that! Not everyone wants to or is able to be involved in an intense counseling process. This program came into being so that others can learn of these tools and make use of them too.
Because of your creativity, sensitivity, intensity and intelligence, you as a CASIGY may need something different than what others need.

IN THE CASIGY™ ACES HOME VIDEO PROGRAM’ll learn to ride the intense waves of emotion in your CASIGY life, instead of being pulled under by them. You’ll learn how emotions are a natural phenomenon, just like ocean waves. You’ll learn tools to balance your emotions and your life.

And if you have creative, sensitive or gifted children at home or in the classroom, it’s also designed to help them ride their waves of emotion instead of being flooded by them. It will also reduce or eliminate their having an emotional volcanic eruption right beside you.

The CASIGY Social-Emotional ACES Home Video Program is a 6-module, interactive video-based training program for Creative, Highly Sensitive or Gifted adults and for parents and teachers of Highly Creative, Highly Sensitive, and/or Gifted children and teens.


  • Move through your negative or unpleasant emotions faster & easier.
  • Balance and constructively express your emotions.
  • Meet your social and emotional needs.
  • Establish and maintain social relationships.
  • Understand and accept yourself as a CASIGY
  • Understand and relate to others, whether they are CASIGYs or if they’re Neurotypical.
  • Glean a sense of deeper meaning in these challenges
  • Start and continue ongoing practices to maintain these benefits for the rest of your life.
THE CASIGY™ ACES HOME VIDEO PROGRAM CONTAINS six modules complete with easily digestible videos, downloadable tools, templates, “how to” guides, additional resources, and much more.
Here’s an In-depth Introduction to the CASIGY Social-Emotional ACES Program:
What Participants are Saying:
I like the reflective tools – they help me help my students emotionally.
GT Educator
This is for anyone who’s concerned about CASIGYs™ and the unique social and emotional challenges they often face. Their traits of Creativity, Acute Awareness, Super-Sensitivity, Intensity, frequent Introvertedness, and/or Giftedness can create no end of trouble in relating to the less creative, less sensitive, less intelligent culture. I’ve have the privilege to work with CASIGYs across town and around the globe.  I’ve found that all over the planet, CASIGYs are facing these same difficulties and joining the cause; and they seem to fit into one of these groups:
HIGHLY CREATIVE, HIGHLY SENSITIVE OR GIFTED ADULTS You’ve been told that you’re too sensitive, too dramatic, too creative, too …. everything. You need support to discover and embrace who you are as a creative, sensitive, intense, and/or gifted human. You need tools you can use at home, at work and in social situations to balance your body and your emotions. All so you can positively connect with yourself, with others and live a life you love to live.  “Very insightful – quite a shocking and wonderful discovery about something that has been hard for me to comes to terms with.”  CASIGY ACES Member
PARENTS OF HIGHLY CREATIVE, SENSITIVE OR GIFTED CHILDREN Life in a home full of highly creative, highly sensitive, intense and/or gifted people can be lively and never boring. It can also be exhausting, to say the least. There’s always an emergency … somewhere. You need tools to help you balance and meet everyone’s emotional needs, including your own. In fact, it starts with you – putting on your own oxygen mask first, so you can then care about the others. “The ACES tools help our intense family members all be more peaceful and take challenges in stride much better than we used to.”  Parent of CASIGY child.
EDUCATORS OF HIGHLY CREATIVE, SENSITIVE OR GIFTED CHILDREN Whether you have a classroom full of CASIGYs, or a mixed group of Neurotypical children along with a few intense CASIGYs, you need practical tools you can implement without adding stress to your already full teaching load. You need tools that will help your students cope with their own emotions better and leave you free to teach more and discipline less.

“Your presentation was extremely rich in material. So many practical ways  to deal with things, heal and help others. The in-session breathing exercise was great. Thanks so much! Loved it! 30-something gifted educator.”

This helps me feel better – a lot.
10 year old gifted girl. (Ditto for 9 year old gifted boy. And also a 9 year old highly sensitive girl.)
Reserve your spot in our CASIGY Social-Emotional ACES Home Video Program™
Featured Quote

Few people are artists in life; …the art of life is the most distinguished and rarest of all the arts.

— Carl Jung, Modern man in Search of a Soul