
CASIGY Social-Emotional ACES Program

Sharon M. Barnes, MSSW, LCSW,

AKA The ScrapLady,

is a Requested Return Speaker,

Internationally Published Author,

Licensed Psychotherapist and Textile Artist

Sharon helps CASIGYs™ — and Others — find Beauty & Benefit in Life’s Scraps. Her  presentations are fun, Sharon-speakinginteractive, informative, practical, hands-on and inspirational. She brings Life Lessons from everyday living to your group in a fun, fresh way.  She energizes her audiences to release their creativity—so they can become fully alive and realize their dreams. She often animates her presentations with Fabric Art pieces of her own creation that have inspired the Life Lessons she shares.

Sharon Barnes' Most Requested Speaking Topics:

  LifeCraftLogoSharon M. Barnes, MSSW, LCSW helps CASIGYs™ Hand-Craft A Life You Love to Live.

Sharon is a Creative Transformation Specialist—releasing creativity while transforming lives. In her  LifeCraft™ presentations, she involves her audiences in playful, active learning experiences—so they have  instinctive “Aha” Moments that develop into Deep Insights and crystallize into Lasting Behavior Change.rock solid

She is pleased to offer her Optional “Make-N-Take” Hand-Crafts in her programs. These are fun for everyone and make the take – away lessons even more personal and memorable, especially for visual and/or kinesthetic learners. Each presentation Topic can be customized for a Keynote or a Workshop format and can be condensed to 20-25 minutes or expanded to a half day, full day or multiple day event, depending on the needs of your group.

Click or Call Sharon Today for a New Tomorrow for your Group! (303-987-0346)

Here's the Buzz About Sensitive and Gifted Speaker Sharon M. Barnes:

You certainly helped to make our conference successful.   Attendees commented: “Best Keynote in my 23 years of conferences. A good start for the session.  I liked the visuals.  Great life messages.  Great handouts.  Loved the speaker.  Very motivational. Wonderful. Her examples excellent and easy to remember.” Thank you again for being our keynote speaker for our Conference.  
K.C. Harnden BA, ADC, Colorado Association of Activity Professionals

Sharon  M. Barnes , MSSW, LCSW- Speaker to the Creative, Sensitive and Gifted --

  • has a Masters of Science in Social Work Degree from San Diego State University.
  • is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in private practice since 1994. Her office is now in Littleton, Colorado. She has specialties in working with Creative, Sensitive and Gifted people (CASIGYs™) & with people experiencing the intersection of physical and mental health. She works with people of all ages.
  • has been twice-published in Columbine Community Courier & AU’s Gifted Journal (nswagtc.org.au/)
  • has developed innovative programs that have been featured in Colorado Parent Magazine, Highland’s Ranch Herald, Healing Hearts by The Denver Hospice, Health One’s Connections and Quilter’s Newsletter Magazine. 
  • is an adventurous soul who is well qualified to lead her clients and her audiences on adventures through the wilderness of Inner Territory. She attended one full year of college in Spain, has climbed 14’ers in California and Colorado, rafted the Arkansas River and survived a 75 foot bungee-jump.
  • has been married forty+ years, and is a mother of grown and married CASIGY™ sons.
  • has learned the secrets of resilience through personal initiation in facing adversity:  She’s had to lay off staff, been laid off herself, has a husband with a chronic diagnosis, had a college athlete son with a closed head injury, and has recovered from chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia.
  • has over 35 years experience in health and mental health care. She has developed new programs, reorganized and expanded others, and downsized/right-sized others.
  • is a quilter, fabric artist and writer who shares her creativity with each audience, so they may release their own creativity to become fully alive, and realize their dreams.
Click or Call Sharon Today for a New Tomorrow for your Group! (303-987-0346)
  • has a Masters of Science in Social Work Degree from San Diego State University.
  • is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in private practice since 1994. Her office is now in Littleton, Colorado. She has specialties in working with Creative, Sensitive and Gifted people (CASIGYs™) & with people experiencing the intersection of physical and mental health. She works with people of all ages.
  • has been twice-published in Columbine Community Courier & AU’s Gifted Journal (nswagtc.org.au/)
  • has developed innovative programs that have been featured in Colorado Parent Magazine, Highland’s Ranch Herald, Healing Hearts by The Denver Hospice, Health One’s Connections and Quilter’s Newsletter Magazine. 
  • is an adventurous soul who is well qualified to lead her clients and her audiences on adventures through the wilderness of Inner Territory. She attended one full year of college in Spain, has climbed 14’ers in California and Colorado, rafted the Arkansas River and survived a 75 foot bungee-jump.
  • has been married forty+ years, and is a mother of grown and married CASIGY™ sons.
  • has learned the secrets of resilience through personal initiation in facing adversity:  She’s had to lay off staff, been laid off herself, has a husband with a chronic diagnosis, had a college athlete son with a closed head injury, and has recovered from chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia.
  • has over 35 years experience in health and mental health care. She has developed new programs, reorganized and expanded others, and downsized/right-sized others.
  • is a quilter, fabric artist and writer who shares her creativity with each audience, so they may release their own creativity to become fully alive, and realize their dreams.

Sharon's topics are designed to appeal to the following audiences:

  • Highly Creative Adults, such as Scientists, Artists, Designers, Writers, Actors and other Creative Types. Parents & Teachers of Highly Creative Students
  • Twice Exceptional (2E) Adults; Parents and/or Teachers of Twice Exceptional (2E) Students
  • Highly Sensitive (HSP)  Adults; Parents and/or Teachers of Highly Sensitive (HSP) Students
  • People with Sensory Processing Disorders, Dyslexia, and other Learning Differences
  • Gifted Adults; Parents and/or Teachers of Creative, Sensitive, and/or Gifted Students
  • Professional Caregivers, such as teachers, health care providers, health care professionals, clergy and others
  • General Audiences seeking to Overcome Adversity, including trauma, tragedy, acute, chronic or life-threatening illness

Sharon M. Barnes, MSSW, LCSW past speaking clients include the following:


SENG (Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted) National Annual Conference, Breakout Speaker

CSCSW (Colorado Society for Clinical Social Work) Professional Cont Ed and Annual Convention Breakout Session Speaker

CAGT (Colorado Association for the Gifted and Talented) Annual Conference.  Requested Return Speaker 2013

IDGE (Institute for the Development of Gifted Education) Conference Breakout speaker

CAPA (Colorado Activity Professionals Association) Annual Conference, Keynote Speaker

EDPC (Eating Disorders Professionals of Colorado) Conference Breakout Speaker and Professional Continuing Education Series

CHADD: Children and Adults with ADD- Requested Return Speaker 2013

Schools & Universities:

UCD University of Colorado At Denver,  Graduate Counselor Education Program, Guest Lecturer

DU: University of Denver Graduate School of Social Work, Guest Lecturer

RU: Regis University Counselor Training Program, Guest Lecturer

Medical/Mental Health Organizations:

Indian Crest Pediatrics, ADD-Workshop;  Westminster, Colorado.

Colorado Mental Health Association Speaker’s Bureau speaking to various organizations

Colorado Neurological Institute Patient Education

The Denver Hospice Bereavement Education Program

Lutheran Family Services Adoptive Parent Training and Foster Parent Training

Porter Adventist Hospital Nursing Grand Rounds repeat Speaker

Porter Adventist Hospital Eating Disorders Program Staff Training

St. Joseph Hospital Transitional Care Unit Staff Training

St. Mary Corwin Hospital Nursing Education Invited Speaker

Synthesis Child Placement Agency Foster Parent Training

Bethany Child Placement Agency Foster Parent Training

Community Organizations:

ABWA, Kiwanis, Optimist, Rotary Clubs, various locations

Wild Oats Natural Food Store Community Education Series

Porter Adventist Hospital Eating Disorders Program Public Education Series

Women’s Counseling Network South: Community Education Lectures


Cascade Employee Assistance Program/Bureau of Reclamation Staff Training, Denver Federal Center


Denver, Littleton, Aspen Park, & Aurora, Colorado  SDA Churches; Rocky Mountain SDA Women’s Retreat

Heritage United Methodist Church

Saint Frances Cabrini Catholic Community

Southern Gables Church Grief Volunteer Training

  Click or Call Sharon Today for a New Tomorrow for your Group! (303-987-0346)

Featured Quote

To the degree that we are free and may go or stay and choose to move or not to move, we have ceased to be under the spell of a projection which pulled and pushed us against our will.

— Edward C. Whitmont, The Symbolic Quest