Five Keys to Taming the Mayhem Monster

Is Your Hcouple-with-wild-childouse Haunted by the Mayhem Monster? Many teens, kids and even grown-ups, especially those who are Gifted, Creative or Highly Sensitive or with ADD, AD/HD may feel the need to stimulate their brains. For lack of better methods, they may create chaos & crisis. 

Voila! The Mayhem Monster is born and grows bigger each time it’s activated.

Unfortunately, the Mayhem Monster wreaks havoc on family harmony, work and homework assignments, friendships, and life in general.  Once it takes over, even the best of us can feel helpless to get rid of it. But the Mayhem Monster does not have to rule the roost.

In this presentation, Sharon will be sharing her Top Five Tips for Taming the Mayhem Monster.

She’ll discuss applications for adults, parents and teachers of teens and children.

You’ll learn:

  • ONE thing that will simultaneously decrease undesirable behavior and increase desirable behavior
  • How to build excitement and produce PEACE at the same time.
  • How to positively motivate your child or teen to manage their own behavior
  • How to get out of the way so your kids & teens have to face the Mayhem Monster for themselves
  • Three simple, healthy ways to balance the body-mind and outwit the Mayhem Monster

Optional Participant  Make N’ Take = Monster Clay Figures


Featured Quote

It is generally the creative artist who creates the future. A civilization which has no creative people is doomed. So the person who is really in touch with the future, with the germs of the future, is the creative personality.

— Marie Louise Von Franz