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Life’s A Bicycle

istock sunset bike rider   How to Balance Your CASIGY™ Life

Like You Balance a Bike

  Intended Audience:  Can be personalized for General Audiences/Adults and for Highly Sensitive, Gifted, Twice Exceptional groups with   students of varying ages, as well as parents,  educators and Gifted Adults

 Balancing the complex demands of modern life can be tough for anyone. It’s easy to be overwhelmed with too many demands on their time & energy, to suffer from compassion fatigue, caring for everyone but yourself, or to feel Frazzled from being tugged in too many directions at once.

For those who also juggle the gifted traits of Creativity, Complexity, Sensitivity, Intelligence and Intensity- balancing your life can be even more challenging.  for gifted students and leaders alike. Sharon M. Barnes, MSSW, LCSW, Therapist for Sensitive and Gifted, will help participants learn how to your balance your creative, sensitive, and/or gifted lives … just like you balance a bike.

In Life’s A Bicycle, Participants will learn:

  • Four ways balancing your life is like balancing a bike
  • Three ways to check for the source of trouble when you’re out of balance
  • What NOT to do when your life is out of balance
  • Two quick & easy things you can do anywhere & any time to regain your balance.
  • One Life Strategy that will enable you to obtain and maintain ongoing Dynamic, Resilient Life Balance

Optional Participant  Make N’ Take = Bicycle Ribbon Tassels and/or Icon Cards (Participant’s Choice)

Featured Quote

In order to make a real accomplishment he must sacrifice a number of other potentialities. He must vie up his identification with wholeness and voluntarily accept being a real fragment instead of an unreal whole. To be something in reality, he must give up being everything in potentia.

— Edward Edinger, Edo and Archetype