Different By Design: Moving from FEELING Defective to BEING Distinctive

Many CASIGYs*  feel like aliens or misfits who don’t belong in twenty-first century urban, extroverted societies.

These traits of Creativity, Complexity, Curiosity, Acute Awareness, Super- sensitivity, Intensity,

How you can find your way through adversity and illness to destinations of delightIntroversion and Giftedness can set you or your child apart in a way that often creates disconnection, alienation, discouragement and even despair, especially for the most sensitive and the brightest among us. Some parents, teachers, youth leaders, employers and others understand that CASIGYs™ have great potential, and are eager to find ways to help encourage you. Others may be annoyed, put off or even offended by your unique combination of abilities and vulnerabilities. You may also be annoyed, put off, and yes, even offended by your differences and the difficulties they create.

Rudolph facing right istock graphicMany CASIGYs™ are able to access your gifts and make your contributions to the world as students and adults. But far too many are caught in the vortex of problems that your differences create. Like our Red-Nosed Four-Legged One, you may  feel like our mascot-hero, a misfit who was excluded, ostracized and eventually banished into exile. Unlike him, many of you do not return from exile, but spend far too much of your life alienated, disenfranchised and underachieving. It doesn’t have to be this way.

Sharon Barnes is on a mission to help CASIGYs transform your experience of being defective to that of being distinctive so you can find and fulfill your purpose and destiny. Let your group benefit from her mission today!
  •  Intended Audience: Gifted, Highly Sensitive, Twice Exceptional, ADD, SPD: Parents, Educators, Adults, Students
  • This topic can be personalized for groups with GT/TAG,  2E/2X, ADD, SPD adults, parents, educators and students of varying ages. It can be given as a Keynote, Breakout, or full or half-day Workshop.
  • Inspired by Sharon’s article, “Encouraging Gifted Children” requested by and published in Australia’s Gifted Journal 2010
  • Requested Return Topic and Speaker: CAGT Annual Conference Oct, 2013
  • Participant  Make N’ Take = Red Foam Nose + Non-dominant Hand Drawing

In Different By Design, Participants will learn:CASIGY Encouragement Cycle

  • How to identify four phases of discouragement in Gifted, 2E/2X, Highly Sensitive, and/or ADD students and adults
  • How to facilitate the Four Phases of Overcoming Discouragement in your students (or yourself)
  • How to cope, heal, & transform perceived defects into great assets.
  • How GT”s Mascot shows GT learners how to move from FEELING Defective to BEING Distinctive and then make your Creative Contribution
  • The most powerful, yet hidden tool available to parents and educators which will help kids and teens overcome their discouragement

 * C.A.S.I.G.Y = Creative, Acutely Aware, Super-Sensitive, Intense, and/or Gifted You?

Call Sharon or click TODAY to Benefit from Sharon’s Mission

and Request This Topic For Your Group! 






Featured Quote

The next best thing to winning is losing. At least you’ve been in the race.

— Nellie Hershey Tullis