Call Sharon Today for a New Tomorrow: 303-987-0346

Find The Magic in Being a CASIGY™ Misfit

Do you have a deep ‘defect’ in your life that makes you feel like a misfit?
Dig deeply enough inside that ‘defect’ to discover the gift camouflaged within.
Then hone and use that Gift to heal and serve others in the world.
By this, you’ll find the magic in being a CASIGY™ MisFit.

ScrapLady Sharon Barnes

Featured Quote

The hallmark of individuation is the differentiation of the individual psyche from its containment in the collective psyche from its containment in the collective psyche. This process is accompanied by a progressive awareness of the transpersonal psyche and the task of mediating and humanizing its energies.

— Edward Edinger, The Creation of Consciousness