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The difference between a creative person and a creative producer

Here’s our special quote in honor of Labor Day: The difference between a creative person and a creative producer is hard work. Those who actually produce the play, build the rocket, find the cure, and write the novel don’t let their ideas collect dust on the “tomorrow’ shelf. They dig in, often before they feel completely ready, and keep digging until they unearth what they are searching for. It is the unglamorous, relentless, dirty-hands effort that eventually turns a drawing into a masterpiece and a melody into a concerto. When excellence is the goal, nothing else will do. Mary-Elaine Jacobsen

Featured Quote

At the level of daily life, there certainly is loss. If we spiritualize it away, we cannot use it to grow. . . . This usually means allowing ourselves to be touched by life, to participate in it. we learn by experience. The unexperienced life does not teach anybody anything. There are no spiritual shortcuts.

— Rachel Naomi Remen, MD, My Grandfather’s Blessings