Movement, Health and Happiness For HSPs and CASIGYs

Are you Highly Sensitive, even Super-Sensitive?  MOVE to Lower Your Stress, Feel Better, and Increase Your Self Worth!


movementA quick review of online forums and bulletin boards for highly sensitive and/or gifted people on any given day reveal that many have high stress levels, illness, pain and other distressing symptoms.

Our guest for this LifeCraft™ Webinar/Teleseminar is Dr. Matthew C. Barnes, DC.

Yes, he’s my son. In spite of his thinking that he knew everything when he was 17 years old, he has kept learning. Now, he is not only a chiropractor who specializes in the neurological field  but he is a Tri-Athlete and Ultra-marathoner.

Bring your questions and learn how moving more can help you to lower your stress, live longer & better, improve your brain function, reduce blood sugar & mood swings, and increase your sense of self-worth, as well as how to increase moving safely and easily.


 This webinar will be held online. All you need is Internet access (via a computer, tablet or mobile phone) at the scheduled time, and you’ll be able to see and listen to the webinar.

 This session will be recorded, but the replay will only be sent to those who register!


Featured Quote

Ironically, according to ancient legend, the word Wilderness didn’t conjure up a place of punishment, but rather a place of learning, spiritual growth, understanding, healing, and accomplishment. It referred to a wellspring of Divine energy in the guise of despair, hardship and pain; your experience in the wilderness was designed to prepare or propel you toward your destiny. Or pry you loose from whatever was keeping you from it.

— Sarah Ban Breathnach, Something More – Excavating Your Authentic Self