Happy Holidays – as the light returns to the North

Happy Holidays!

No matter what religious holiday each of us celebrates this time of year, we all share the change of the seasons. CASIGYs (Creative, Acutely Aware, Super-Sensitive, Intense and/or Gifted You-s) may feel more connected to this phenomenon and be impacted by it than do many others.  For those in northern climates, the light of the sun begins to increase again. In ancient times, this was often celebrated with outdoor bonfires. In winter’s deep darkness, we humans celebrate the light, as if to reassure ourselves that the light of the sun will actually return.

Likewise, when we are in a dark night of the soul, and our emotional light is low, (which seems to happen more easily this time of year, especially for CASIGYs) we may need to remind and encourage ourselves that our inner light will also return. So in this time of year when light is low and darkness seems to reign, I wish for you an enduring inner fire, one that

  • Lights up the nights of your life
  • Warms your heart and soul
  • Sparks your Imagination
  • Breaks open seeds of new life lying dormant.

With Gratitude,

Sharon M. Barnes, MSSW, LCSW

Therapist for Sensitive and Gifted


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Uncertainty and mystery rather than predictability are the driving forces of artistic transformation.

— Shaun McNiff, Art Based Research