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Up in Smoke Webinar Recording

Has Your Life Gone Up in Smoke?

How CASIGYs™ (Creative, Acutely Aware, Super-Sensitive, Intense and/or Gifted You-s) can Find Your Way Through Adversity and Illness to  Destinations of Delight!

How to Reclaim Your Life, Even When All You Have is Scraps:


CASIGYs™ (Creative, Acutely Aware, Super-Sensitive, Intense, And/or Gifted You-s) are often more deeply impacted by adversity, illness and tragedy than are most most others. Sharon Barnes will show you why this is, and also how to transcend this difficulty to overcome adversity.


When we flee from where or how we find ourselves in life;

when we fight our emotions, or what’s happening in our lives,

when we fake it, or try to force it,

then we get stuck; mired even more deeply than we began,

just as if we were in quicksand.

But when we STOP fleeing, fighting, faking, or trying to force it,

That is when we can find our way though the adversity. 

In this recording of her webinar, Creative Transformation Specialist Sharon Barnes show you how.

Featured Quote

Consider beginning to honor the resistance, consider getting to know the critic. The critic holds very valuable information. The critic holds our deepest fears; resistance shows us we are on the right track. If we shift our perspective, the critic can be seen as trying to spare us the pain of change, the shame of fear. Our critic discourages us from doing things which are perceived as dangerous.

— Pat Allen, Art is Way of Knowing