Call Sharon Today for a New Tomorrow: 303-987-0346

Mission Statement

The mission of Sharon M. Barnes, MSSW, LCSW, Therapist For Sensitive And Gifted

Is to help CASIGYs™ release your creativity

so you can become fully alive and fulfill your destiny.

As you pursue this, you may discover, to your dismay,

that you are hindered by your pain

or haunted by your past.

I then help

you (if and when you desire and choose it),

to heal your past,  transform your pain,

care for your soul,

find and honor your self,

thus opening the way to the thriving and significance that you seek.
Featured Quote

That is the essential wisdom of the dream: to preserve a balance among all of our psychic opposites and establish a kind of middle way.

— Marie Louise Von Franz, The Way of the Dream