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K.C. Harnden BA, ADC, Colorado Association of Activity Professionals

You certainly helped to make our conference successful.   Attendees commented: “Best Keynote in my 23 years of conferences. A good start for the session.  I liked the visuals.  Great life messages.  Great handouts.  Loved the speaker.  Very motivational. Wonderful. Her examples excellent and easy to remember.” Thank you again for being our keynote speaker for our Conference.  

K.C. Harnden BA, ADC, Colorado Association of Activity Professionals
Featured Quote

to attain to a higher mode of existence, gestation and birth must be repeated; but they are repeated ritually, symbolically. (Eliade, 1963) The context of this symbolic action is always sacred space.

— Robert L. Moore, PhD, Ritual, Sacred Space, and Healing: The Psychoanalyst as Ritual Elder. Chapter in the book, Liminality and Transitional Phenomena, edited by Nathan Schwarts-Salant and Murray Stein