Five Fun Steps to Reach Your Goals Webinar Recording

LifeCraftLogo-150x150   LifeCraft Presents –  Five Fun StepsReach your goals

to Overcome Obstacles

and Reach Your Goals


Did you know that –

45% of Americans make New Years Resolutions or written goals

80% drop off in less than a month

8% keep them

WHY? Inability to Overcome Obstacles!    

Do you have goals big enough to be daunting (I hope so!)?IMG_0238

Are there barriers and obstacles in your path?

then you’ll want to view this video.

 2014-08-28 River Orb Canoeing (10)Have you gotten stuck on a rock?

Is there a deep, dark CHASM between where you are and where you want to go thatblack-canyon-wallsseems too big to cross?

 Are You Betwixt and Between- Caught Between the No Longer …..  And the  Not-Yet?

  • Are you a creative, sensitive and intelligent person (AKA a C.A.S.I.G.Y.)?
  • do you find frustration  & disappointment that many goal setting methods are mundane or insensitive? 
  • Be disappointed and frustrated no more. There’s a Better Way!

Drawing on the wisdom of leaders in science (notably Albert Einstein, with his technique of “Combinatory Play”, with which he developed Relativity Theory, by the way)  as well as learning from the world of Myth and Fairy Tale, Sharon will help you practice Five Fun Steps you can use to reach your creative, sensitive, intelligent goals.Bourke's Luck Potholes bridge

Would you like to  –

  •  BRIDGE between where you are ….. and where you want to go
  •  PLAY your way past barriers to your big goals
  •  ALIGN Mind-Body-Soul-Spirit in the process
  •  FACE the dragons in your path and WIN THEM OVER
  •  HAVE FUN while doing all of this

Here’s the recording of this Webinar:

Featured Quote

The need for change bulldozed a road down the center of my mind.

— Maya Angelou