Media Placements

Here is a partial list of past
Media Placements for Sharon M. Barnes, LCSW,  TherapistForSensitiveAndGifted

Highlands Ranch Herald: “Parenting is a difficult task especially as music and television seem to undermine traditional parenting objectives…”
Colorado Parent Magazine: “Quilter’s Journey is the name for a new twist on counseling for women. It incorporates creative handiwork and storytelling as part of the counseling. In these groups, women create beautiful things – literally and figuratively – from the scraps and rags life sometimes sends…”
Columbine Courier: Keeping the Remembrance of Columbine Alive.  “One month ago today, about this time of day, I was listening to sirens and watching helicopters and ambulances go by. I was at lunch with my husband, sitting at a restaurant just off Wadsworth Blvd., outside under an umbrella. We wondered together what big, horrible thing could be happening that would need so many ambulances and helicopters and police cars and swat teams…”
Healing Hearts from The Denver Hospice:  “Loss leaves much in its wake and takes much with it. We may feel like we have lost much of ourselves, along with the loved one or love[d] ones we have lost. Sharon Barnes, LCSW, will teach us tools to help recover our creativity and how to use that creativity to aid in the grieving process. There will be a time in the presentation for hands-on practice of what she shows us, for those who would like to do so…”
HealthOne Connection:  “For Some, the holiday season and its emphasis on family gatherings my exacerbate sorrows about lost loved ones and past holidays when times were better. Feeling sad, lonely or melancholy are normal feelings — even during the holiday season…”
Quilter’s Newsletter Magazine:  Most quilters would readily concede that quilting is a form of mental therapy for them, allowing moments of peace and creativity in otherwise hectic shcedules. Sharon M. Barnes, a licensed clinical social worker in Dencer, Colorado, takes the process one step further and incorporates quilting into weekly counseling sessions with women…”
Featured Quote

The next best thing to winning is losing. At least you’ve been in the race.

— Nellie Hershey Tullis