Webinar Replay – Suicide Prevention for Creative, Sensitive or Gifted People

Here’s your Webinar Replay!

Suicide Prevention for Creative, Sensitive, or Gifted People

If you’ve ever been concerned about suicide for yourself or a creative, sensitive or gifted one you care about, this is for you.

In this webinar, my goal is to equip Creative, Sensitive, or gifted Adults, and Teens as well as Parents and Teachers of creative, sensitive and gifted Teens to Prevent Suicide. 

Here’s what we’ll be talking about:
• What’s actually happening with youth suicides around the world
• Six Myths about suicide
• Seven common themes of suicides
• Suicide risk factors
• What’s different with highly creative, highly sensitive & gifted teens
• Suicide Warning Signs
• Six Protective factors against Suicide – and how to maximize them
• Five things you can do to prevent suicide
• Suicide Prevention Resources

Featured Quote

Compassion begins with the acceptance of what is most human in ourselves, what is most capable of suffering. In attending to our own capacity to suffer, we can uncover a simple and profound connection between our own vulnerability and the vulnerability in all others. Experiencing this allows us to find an instinctive kindness toward life which is the foundation of all compassion and genuine service.

— Rachel Naomi Remen, MD, My Grandfather’s Blessings