Thank you again for a fun and informative presentation to my graduate students. Several students made a point to tell me how much they got out of your presentation. The exercise you facilitated is one they really enjoyed and learned from. Thanks for being such a good resource for me and my students. You shared a wealth of information and I am most appreciative! Carmen Williams, University of Colorado
Many thanks for your presentations to the Support Group and to our Team Retreat Day. Your wisdom and presence deepened all the messages for each event. Core team members said you were very helpful in finding our purpose, and that you helped break a logjam in team dynamics and enabled us to move forward as a team. Mary Ann Lang, Saint Frances Cabrini Catholic Community, Littleton, CO
Thank you for the seminar you provided at our church about parenting children with ADD. The positive responses I received from those attending were deeply felt. They were touched by the breadth of your knowledge and insight. You were a resource to them on practical ways to engage and encourage kids with AD/HD. Thank you for sharing your expertise in this important area.
Rev. Dr. Doug Slaughter, PhD. Pastor, Heritage United Methodist Church, Littleton, CO
I appreciate your insight into the gifted mind. MB, teacher
Insight into gifted mind
I liked your analogy of ocean waves and emotional waves -CAGT 2016 attendee
I really liked your analogy
I love the gifted mascot. many personal connections. AD, teacher
Gifted Mascot
I loved your practical, therapeutic ideas, and the science behind them.
GT educator
I like how you bring in the Hero’s Journey and how gifted students’ differences are an invitation to this inner adventure. I want to learn more in how to help GT students understand this too. Attendee CAGT 2016
Hero's journey
She comes across so knowledgeable, caring and I am so happy to have her working with my daughter! She made my daughter feel so comfortable and cared for and is happy to go back and learn all she can from Sharon.
Sharon was wonderful!
CASIGY acronym is the best!. Breathing techniques helpful. TT, GT adult. SENG Conference, 2015
CASIGY Acronym
I loved the “washing machine” & composting metaphors. I want to learn more. GT adult. SENG Conference 2015
Washing Machine Metaphor
Honestly, this really helps me understand myself a lot better. I learn that I can heal myself and find my place in life. I feel that I’m not alone with my feelings and sensitivity. Thank you so much!
40-something creative woman