“Every time I’m working in the sand, I think I know what it means, and then I find later that it means something far deeper.” CW, counseling client
Working in the sand
I liked how you walked through the gifted characteristics in a new way. JP
Gifted Characteristics
There’s much less negative self-talk than before, after just a few weeks.
Mom of 7 year old highly sensitive girl
I can move out of my negative emotions much faster than before
40-something highly sensitive woman
Today’s Webinar was informative, comprehensive, and extremely helpful. You proved an absolute connection with people who fit CASIGY characteristics and I want to take a brief moment in time to personally Thank You. I can hardly wait for the next webinar. With heartfelt appreciation ..thanks again. HC
Today's Webinar was informative, comprehensive, and extremely helpful
I like the reflective tools – they help me help my students emotionally.
GT Educator
I’m happy about Sharon’s ability to connect with my 17 year old highly sensitive daughter! She was excited to get to go again!
Sharon connects with teen
Great stories. I liked how you explained the steps of recovery. VD. GT teacher. CAGT Conference 2013
Great stories & explanations
I now feel confident that I can help and support my son.
Parents of 12 y/o gifted boy
I like how you showed us that gifted students have a more perceptive and more reactive central nervous system – that it’s faster, stronger, more intense. Attendee CAGT 2016
Gifted students have a different CNS