I like how you included Dabrowski’s theory of Positive Disintegration to show how negative emotions are essential for advanced development. Attendee CAGT 2016
Dabrowski's Theory
Great coping skills and still more coping skills! Your understanding is the best. BB. GT educator, GT adult, GT parent. SENG Conference 2015.
Understanding & Coping skills
Your metaphors are a wonderful way to create and construct meaning. I love the Tune in Tool and waves as a way to monitor the level of emotions. Attendee CAGT 2016
Honestly, this really helps me understand myself a lot better. I learn that I can heal myself and find my place in life. I feel that I’m not alone with my feelings and sensitivity. Thank you so much!
40-something creative woman
Great composting analogy. Loved CASIGY concept. PC, GT adult & parent. SENG Conference 2015
Composting analogy
I liked how you walked through the gifted characteristics in a new way. JP
Gifted Characteristics
We’re ALL using the ACES tools almost every day in some way. It helps our intense family members all be more peaceful and take challenges in stride much better than we used to. Mom of 7 & 9 year old highly sensitive boys.
Using ACES tools creates peace
I love your TNT tool for an emotional check-in.
Highly sensitive 50-something man
I like how you showed us that gifted students have a more perceptive and more reactive central nervous system – that it’s faster, stronger, more intense. Attendee CAGT 2016
Gifted students have a different CNS
Today’s Webinar was informative, comprehensive, and extremely helpful. You proved an absolute connection with people who fit CASIGY characteristics and I want to take a brief moment in time to personally Thank You. I can hardly wait for the next webinar. With heartfelt appreciation ..thanks again. HC
Today's Webinar was informative, comprehensive, and extremely helpful