Transforming Burnout

transforming burnoutAntidotes to the Negative Side Effects

of being the Parent or Teacher of a

CASIGY(Creative, Sensitive or Gifted) Child or Teen!

  • Is Sensitivity & Intensity (theirs or yours) STRESSING YOU OUT?distressed-young-womans-face
  • Does Creativity (theirs or yours) pull you in too many directions at once?
  • Are you caring for everyone . . . . . EXCEPT YOURSELF?

Teacher and parents of CASIGY™  students may frequently experience fatigue due to the stresses of living and/or working with CASIGY students, who by definition, have a more perceptive and more reactive Central Nervous System (CNS). Many teachers and parents of CASIGY students are also CASIGYs, and therefore also have a more perceptive and more reactive CNS. In this scenario, the normal stresses of living and working with the complexity and intensity of CASIGY students are compounded and magnified, easily becoming burnout. Hence the need for this fun, interactive, hands-on PlayShop, “Transforming Burnout.”

happy-woman-looking-upHere’s Help and Hope!rock solid

Fun, Interactive & Creative –
Transforming Burnout! CASIGY Parents & Teachers  Mini-Retreat!

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  •  7 Warning Signs of Burnout
  • 4 Key Lifestyle Practices to Transform Burnout
  • 5 Fun Steps to Transform Burnout

And there’s MORE!lifeStick sample

  • You’ll get to  connect with other CASIGY Parents & Teachers
  • You’ll get to make your very own LifeStick™
  • You’ll release your creativity, have fun, get refreshed

Our next Transforming Burnout! CASIGY Parent & Teacher Mini Retreat is 

Date: Saturday, March 19, 2016   1-5 pm.

Location: 8089 S. Lincoln St, Littleton, CO 80122 (Suite 203)

Normally $97.00

Last Chance!  $47.00 




Here’s what others who have attended Transforming Burnout say:

“I loved it- especially the ways to help myself and others! Thanks so much!”
“This related to my life. I just wanted it to be longer!”
“I like how you help us to develop a strong sense of self. I want more time!”
” I needed this: HOW to put on my own oxygen mask first.”
“The checklist of symptoms helped me a lot. I like the non-dominant hand drawing.”




p.s.  seating is very limited for this small group event. Save your place now!









Featured Quote

Jung’s approach puts the whole situation entirely outside the realm of pathology and focuses upon the “normal” adult’s potential need to come to terms with the unconscious as a means of developing into what he could be in the full expansion of his powers.

— Edward C. Whitmont, The Symbolic Quest