Are you Creative, Super-Sensitive and/or Gifted, AKA a CASIGY™? (CASIGY™ = Creative, Acutely Aware, Super-Sensitive, Intense and/or Gifted You)
- Have Previous Holiday Seasons left you feeling frustrated or hurting emotionally?
- Are you Thinking, “THIS YEAR my experience of the Holidays MUST be BETTER!”?
Missed the Webinar? Here’s your replay!
Introducing Mini Crash Course – How CASIGYs Can Thrive Through the Holidaze
- Do you dread upcoming holiday family gatherings – knowing you will come away with new emotional wounds on top of all the old ones?
- Have past holidays been a nightmare due to ‘inevitable’ meltdowns?
- Are you dreading the new year – afraid to set goals because of how badly this year went?
HERE’S HELP AND HOPE for CASIGYs to Thrive Through the Holidays !
I’m Sharon M. Barnes, MSSW, LCSW, Therapist for Sensitive and Gifted. For the first time, I’m offering this Online Mini Crash Course in How CASIGYs Can Thrive Through the Holidaze. I’ll be sharing strategies, tools and techniques that have been helpful to my clients over the last 20+ years of helping creative, sensitive and gifted people thrive, heal, become fully alive and fulfill their destinies.
There are things you can DO to prevent many meltdowns, and other things you can DO to minimize those that still do happen. Whether you’re 9, 39 or 79 years old, there’s both tangible and intangible things you can DO.
One reason there are so many comedies about disastrous, hilarious holiday family gatherings is that these situations are so common!
It may not be a fun thing to admit that you have concerns about relationship trouble or emotional meltdowns during the holidays, but if you do, know that you’re not alone! Knowing this may help you to let go of any guilt or shame you feel around this. The perfect family does not exist on this planet, from the very first family (Adam and Eve) to the First Family in any town or country, and yes, to your family too.
You have likely tried many things that haven’t worked. My clients tell me that it makes all the difference in the world to learn from someone who ‘gets’ creative, sensitive and gifted people, and to use tools that are focused on the unique needs of CASIGYs.
Those who take the CASIGYs Holidaze Mini Crash Course will
- Learn how to avoid holiday meltdowns, minimize the few that still do happen and recover faster from the few that happen.
- Choose your experience for the holidays rather than be carried downstream by everyone else’s agenda and expectations.
- Say good bye to the old year with its ups and downs, and actually be ready to welcome the new year in.
This is better than going it alone ……….
- You’ll learn and practice tools proven to help creative, sensitive and gifted people!
- You’ll learn the Why and How of the tools in the CASIGY Tool Box!
- You’ll learn how to apply these tools to your specific situation!
- You’ll get the Big Picture and also learn the Steps in the Process to get from where you are to where you want to go!
- You’ll learn how to connect with your own sense of deep meaning in the holiday season!
- You’ll learn how to apply these tools in your inner world and in your relationships with others!
What Will You Get by Participating in the CASIGY Mini Crash Course in How to Thrive Through the Holidaze?
You’ll get three online PlayShops. There will be information, inspiration, plus hands-on and interactive activities in each Playshop.
Module 1 How to Avoid Holiday Meltdowns
- Be able to avoid most holiday meltdowns
- Minimize the few that do happen
- recover faster from the few that happen
Module 2 How to Choose [Your Experience of] Christmas
- Identify your most memorable Christmas, what made it memorable, for better or for worse
- Understand why and how we all numb our pain and what we can do to heal it
- Learn and practice eight ways to transform your pain into gain
Module 3 Five Fun Steps to Reach Your Goals in 2018 – You’ll Learn How to –
- BRIDGE between where you are ….. and where you want to go
- PLAY your way past barriers to your big goals
- ALIGN Mind-Body-Soul-Spirit
- Face your dragons and WIN THEM OVER
- HAVE FUN doing all of this
As you decide………..
- Many creative, sensitive and/or gifted (AKA CASIGY™) kids or teens have Major Meltdowns during holiday events, including family gatherings.
- It’s common for creative, sensitive and/or gifted (AKA CASIGY™) adults to have old emotional wounds opened up, or new ones show up in relation to things that happen while preparing for the holidays, or during holiday family gatherings.
- Many CASIGYs dread the new year, especially when they haven’t felt good about the one that’s just ending.
If you’re ready to find creative, sensitive ways to overcome these obstacles in your life and bridge to a better place, learning new skills and blazing new trails, then this CASIGYs’ Mini Crash Course in How to Thrive Through the Holidaze may be just what you’re looking for.
Join us now! The early bird price of $77 expires 10 PM MST (GMT-7) Friday, December 15, 2017. After that, it’s $127.00.