CASIGYs™ Creative Transformations Blog

Helping the Creative, Sensitive, or Gifted, AKA CASIGYs™, Thrive, Heal, Become Fully Alive and Fulfill Your Destiny

Encouraging CASIGYs

Encouraging CASIGYs (Creative, Aware, Super-sensitive, Intense, Gifted You-s!)  often starts with helping them cope with discouragement, sensitivity, depression or anxiety. proceeds with helping them heal from the hurts left behind by whatever caused the distress, and wraps up with helping them discover a sense of positive purpose, develop a vision and finally, fulfill their mission in life. ScrapLady Sharon Barnes Photo: courtesy of Glenn Sackett Photography

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A Career Path Suited to Gifted Adults

A career path suited to [gifted adults’] needs must provide us with a sense of meaning and large-scale purpose. … For many of us, it often takes years of varied experience to clarify a life mission and to find our niche. Mary-Elaine Jacobsen

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Two or Three Human Stories

There are only two or three human stories and they go on repeating themselves as fiercely as if they had never happened before. Willa Cather

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A Career Path Suited to Gifted Adults

A career path suited to [gifted adults] needs must provide us with a sense of meaning and large-scale purpose. … For many of us, it often takes years of varied experience to clarify a life mission and to find our niche. Mary-Elaine Jacobsen

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Creativity’s Purpose

Creativity’s purpose is to stir back to live what has fallen asleep, to cleanse and clear emotional residues, and to open passageways for blocked energy. Michele Cassou

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The Larger Fabric of Values

The larger fabric of values in a culture only shifts incrementally, as individuals do the difficult work of changing themselves. …the change must take place within the hearts and minds of individuals. Pat Allen

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