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CASIGYs™ Creative Transformations Blog

Helping the Creative, Sensitive, or Gifted, AKA CASIGYs™, Thrive, Heal, Become Fully Alive and Fulfill Your Destiny

Seven Tips to Help the Creative, Sensitive or Gifted Sleep Peacefully

Sleep can be elusive for anyone, whether you’re 3, 13, 33 or 83. We all have nights where we toss and turn, or get to sleep but we can’t stay asleep. When you’re a CASIGY™ (Creative, Acutely Aware, Super-Sensitive, Intense, and/or Gifted You), you may face challenges with sleep that have a slightly different twist than others face. And if you have ADHD, Anxiety, Depression or other ‘labels’, sleep can be an even greater challenge. Here’s seven tips

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Five Tools to Solve Behavior Problems with Gifted, ADHD Kids

Is Your House Haunted by the Mayhem Monster? Five Tools to Solve Behavior Problems with Gifted ADHD Kids: Many kids, especially those with ADD, AD/HD or who are Gifted, Creative or Highly Sensitive feel the need to stimulate their brains. For lack of better methods, they create chaos & crisis. Voila! The Mayhem Monster is born and grows bigger each time it’s activated. Unfortunately, the Mayhem Monster wrecks havoc on family harmony, homework assignments, friendships,

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Does My Gifted Child Have ADHD?

“Does my gifted child have ADHD?” is a common question for parents of gifted children. They want to know if the problems their gifted child has with paying attention in school, and sometimes also at home, are related to their giftedness or are a sign of having ADHD. Often the only way to know for sure if you or your child has ADHD is to pay for expensive testing. If that’s not an option for

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