CASIGYs™ Creative Transformations Blog

Helping the Creative, Sensitive, or Gifted, AKA CASIGYs™, Thrive, Heal, Become Fully Alive and Fulfill Your Destiny

Revisiting #Be Weird

A few weeks ago, during the recent Academy Awards Ceremony,  I, along with many others, was blow away by Oscar winning writer Graham Moore’s acceptance speech when he shared, “When I was 16 years old, I tried to kill myself because I felt weird and I felt different, and I felt like I did not belong. And now I’m standing here.” Graham Moore expressed openly what so too many CASIGYs™ (Creative, Acutely Aware, Super-Sensitive, Intense,

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How to Prevent Holiday Meltdowns!

Have past holidays been a nightmare due to ‘inevitable’ holiday meltdowns? Do you dread upcoming holiday family gatherings? It may not be a fun thing to admit, but there wouldn’t be so many movie and sitcom comedies about disastrous holiday family gatherings if it weren’t so common. So if you’re not looking forward to holiday family gatherings, know that you’re not alone, and that if you wish, you can let go of any guilt or

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Keys to Preventing or Overcoming Holiday Overwhelm

The holidays are coming. Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanza are racing towards us. Just saying this starts a sense of overwhelm to creep into me. How about you?  Let’s explore together how to prevent  – or overcome – holiday overwhelm. When we were children, the wonder and magic of the holidays filled us with eager anticipation. As adults, it’s quite another story. There’s gifts to make or buy, homes to decorate, inside and outside; relationships to

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Movement, Health and Happiness For HSPs and CASIGYs

Are you Highly Sensitive, even Super-Sensitive?  MOVE to Lower Your Stress, Feel Better, and Increase Your Self Worth!   A quick review of online forums and bulletin boards for highly sensitive and/or gifted people on any given day reveal that many have high stress levels, illness, pain and other distressing symptoms. Our guest for this LifeCraft™ Webinar/Teleseminar is Dr. Matthew C. Barnes, DC. Yes, he’s my son. In spite of his thinking that he knew

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This Thursday, October 9, 2014 at  7 PM MDT,  I will be holding a complimentary  1  hour webinar called:   No More SAD CASIGY’s™ (Creative, Aware, Super-Sensitive, Intense, Gifted You-s)   Sensitivity, Anxiety and Depression are the top three problems brought by gifted people to psychotherapists’ offices the world over.    How CAN Sensitive and Gifted CASIGYs™*  Transcend Sensitivity Anxiety and Depression?   In this CASIGY™ LifeCraft™  Webinar, You’ll Learn:  What it is about being a CASIGY™ that

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Encouraging Sensitive and Gifted Students: You Are Different by Design!

How to Find the Magic in Being a CASIGY ™- That is,  A Sensitive or Gifted “Misfit” Are you, or do you know someone who is –  C-reative, Curious, Complex A-cutely Aware, S-uper-Sensitive, I-ntense, often Introverted; sometimes G-ifted and maybe       Y-ou? If this describes you, or someone you care about, then you might like this acronym CASIGY™.  Highly sensitive people often have many of these characteristics. Gifted people frequently, but not always,  have all of them.

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World Suicide Prevention Day – September 10, 2014

World Suicide Prevention Day – September 10, 2014 Join me in Lighting a Candle near a Window at 8 PM to show your support for suicide prevention, to remember a lost loved one, and for the survivors of suicide. Each year 800,000 people worldwide die from suicide- more than wars and homicide combined. CASIGYs- Creative, Acutely Aware, Super-Sensitive, Intense, and/or Gifted You-s are especially prone to Existential Depression. Stay tuned for more info and more

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Creating Beauty From Life’s Scraps — From a New Angle

  When Life ‘dumps’ on us, our first inclination is often to resist and fight what happens. We tighten up our  muscles, find ourselves saying, “No!” and otherwise spend our energy in trying to change what has happened  or what IS happening. The trouble is that works about as well as fighting an ocean wave. Have you ever done  that? How did it turn out? Not well?  Not for me, either. My focus in this

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Inspiring Results from Sharon’s Gifted Characteristics Questionnaire

Do you feel out of sync with the world around you? If you’re a CASIGY (Creative, Acutely Aware, Super-Sensitive, Intense, likely Introverted, Intelligent, maybe Gifted You) you’re right at home with your CASIGY peers.  A key finding of  my Gifted Characteristics Questionnaire is that 98% of those who completed it felt out of sync with the world around them.  Read on to get the full story .  .  .  .  . Several years ago, it gradually dawned on

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