CASIGYs™ Creative Transformations Blog

Helping the Creative, Sensitive, or Gifted, AKA CASIGYs™, Thrive, Heal, Become Fully Alive and Fulfill Your Destiny

Compost is Nature’s Original Recycling Project

In Processing Complex Emotions, Nature’s Original Recycling Project Shows Us the Path to Healing: Composting in our gardens transforms organic material like grass clippings, food garbage and tree leaves into fertilizer. Transforming manure into fertilizer is nature’s original recycling project. Complex emotions need composting. First, we gather them together and pile them up in one place, like we do with compost or manure. Then, we mix them up, expose them to the air, sunshine, rain and

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Curing – Strengthening – Healing

Curing is the work of experts, but strengthening the life in one another is the work of human beings. …Sometimes the deepest healing comes from the natural fit between two wounded people’s lives. Rachel Naomi Remen

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Compassion and Our Capacity to Suffering

Compassion begins with the acceptance of what is most human in ourselves, what is most capable of suffering. In attending to our own capacity to suffer, we can uncover a simple and profound connection between our own vulnerability and the vulnerability in all others. Experiencing this allows us to find an instinctive kindness toward life which is the foundation of all compassion and genuine service. Rachel Naomi Remen

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Our Unlimited Bank Account

Remembering that God is my source, we are in the spiritual position of having an unlimited bank account. Most of us never consider how powerful the creator really is. Instead, we draw very limited amounts of the power available to us. We decide how powerful God is for us. We unconsciously set a limit on how much God can give us or help us. We are stingy with ourselves. And if we receive a gift

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Are You Facing Adversity

Are you facing adversity? That’s an interesting question. It implies first, that you’re in the midst of a tough time in your life; and second, that you’re not ignoring it or running away from it, but that you have turned your face into the storm, so to speak. So let me ask it again, are you facing adversity? I have spent much of my working life helping people who have been in the midst of

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Life Lessons Learned While Quilting

If it has to be done, make it fun. Look everywhere and see all there is to see, even if no one else sees it. See life through the eyes of an artist Look for life’s colors, shapes, textures, and shades of light and dark. Don’t shut down when you face problems; open up to ALL of life’s experiences. Learn the same thing as often as necessary until you know it by heart. Multi-task without

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Disappointments in Love, Betrayals and Losses

Disappointments in love, even betrayals and losses, serve the soul at the very moment they seem in life to be tragedies. The soul is partly in time and partly in eternity. We might remember the part that resides in eternity when we feel despair over the part that is in life. Thomas Moore.

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Openness to Love’s Many Forms

Care of the soul requires an openness to love’s many forms. It is no accident that so many of the troubles we bring to therapy have their roots or manifestations in love. It may help us, in those times of trouble, to remember that love is not only about relationship, it is also an affair of the soul. Thomas Moore

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