CASIGYs™ Creative Transformations Blog

Helping the Creative, Sensitive, or Gifted, AKA CASIGYs™, Thrive, Heal, Become Fully Alive and Fulfill Your Destiny

At the Level of Daily Life, There is Loss

At the level of daily life, there is loss. If we spiritualize it away, we cannot use it to grow. …This usually means allowing ourselves to be touched by life, to participate in it. We learn by experience. The unexperienced life does not teach anybody anything. There are no spiritual shortcuts. Rachel Naomi Remen.

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When we make things with our hands that represent our inner process, the practice of making them helps us grasp that lasting healing, growth and change don’t happen in an instant. They take time, creativity and action, the same as crafting our symbolic objects does.   ScrapLady Sharon

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Entering Into the Mysteries of the Soul

The act of entering into the mysteries of the soul, without sentimentality or pessimism, encourages life to blossom forth according to its own designs and with its own unpredictable beauty. Thomas Moore.

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Consciousness Brings More Pain, but It Also Brings More Joy

Consciousness brings more pain, but it also brings more joy. Because as you go further into the desert—if you go far enough—you will begin to discover little patches of green, little oases that you had never seen before. And if you go still further, you may even discover some streams of living water underneath the sand, or if you go still further, you may even be able to fulfill your own ultimate destiny. Scott Peck

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How to Transform as You Come Back From Adversity

Hannah, a doll made from a stray sock, is quite a helpless creature. Hannah sometimes has days with her face in the dirt, like a caterpillar.     When she can’t take any more of life’s dirt, she creates a cocoon for herself, Where she can heal, rejuvenate and recreate herself. But eventually the cocoon becomes a prison, and she finds a way to break out. As she emerges, she discovers that while cocooning, she

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Wilderness – a Place of Learning, Spiritual Growth and Understanding

Ironically, according to ancient legend, the word Wilderness didn’t conjure up a place of punishment, but rather a place of learning, spiritual growth, understanding, healing and accomplishment. It referred to a wellspring of Divine energy in the guise of despair, hardship and pain; your experience in the wilderness was designed to prepare or propel you toward your destiny. Or pry you loose from whatever was keeping you from it. Sarah Ban Breathnach

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Facing Pain Truthfully

Only those who face their pain truthfully can let go of it and move forward with their creative energy and self-esteem intact. David Viscott

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