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CASIGYs™ Creative Transformations Blog

Helping the Creative, Sensitive, or Gifted, AKA CASIGYs™, Thrive, Heal, Become Fully Alive and Fulfill Your Destiny

Does My Gifted Child Have ADHD?

“Does my gifted child have ADHD?” is a common question for parents of gifted children. They want to know if the problems their gifted child has with paying attention in school, and sometimes also at home, are related to their giftedness or are a sign of having ADHD. Often the only way to know for sure if you or your child has ADHD is to pay for expensive testing. If that’s not an option for

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How to Help Your Creative, Sensitive or Gifted Kids Weather Emotional Storms

How to help your creative, sensitive or gifted kids weather emotional storms is a frequent dilemma for parents, grandparents and teachers of CASIGYs (Creative, Acutely Aware, Super-Sensitive, Intense, and/or Gifted You-s). Betty, mother of an eight year old gifted boy recently asked me “When my son comes home from school, I can tell he’s upset by something that happened. I ask him to tell me about it. When he does, he gets even more upset

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Catch and Release Living is Simply This

Catch and release living is simply this: Breathe in; feel it (all of what you are experiencing physically and emotionally right now). Breathe out; release it (all of what you are experiencing physically and emotionally right now). Then again: Breathe in, feel it. Breathe out, release it. ScrapLady Sharon Barnes

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Thank you again for everything you have done for both my son and myself! He has been coming home happier than I have seen him in years, and more willing to share about his day at school than ever before. He is setting his alarm clock without reminders, taking showers without reminders, making his lunch, and seeking teachers for clarification of assignments!!!! When I tried to remind him about something last week, he said, “If you want me to be independent, let me be independent and figure it out for myself.” I am so happy that he is taking the initiative on his own! I am thrilled. With deepest appreciation! From the Mom of an 8th/ now 9th grade gifted boy.
Son now taking initiative