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CASIGYs™ Creative Transformations Blog

Helping the Creative, Sensitive, or Gifted, AKA CASIGYs™, Thrive, Heal, Become Fully Alive and Fulfill Your Destiny

How to Get Unstuck

Do you ever feel stuck? Does one thing after another in life pile on top of another? I can relate. Sometimes we don’t realize we’re getting stuck until we’re immobilized. For Creative, Super-Sensitive or Gifted people, AKA CASIGY’s, this can look like over-committing time, having too much to do with all of it seeming equally important, or being interested in so many things that we have trouble choosing among them . This can take many forms and

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Inspiring Results from Sharon’s Gifted Characteristics Questionnaire

Do you feel out of sync with the world around you? If you’re a CASIGY (Creative, Acutely Aware, Super-Sensitive, Intense, likely Introverted, Intelligent, maybe Gifted You) you’re right at home with your CASIGY peers.  A key finding of  my Gifted Characteristics Questionnaire is that 98% of those who completed it felt out of sync with the world around them.  Read on to get the full story .  .  .  .  . Several years ago, it gradually dawned on

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Ode to Mothers…Umm….I Hate Mother’s Day…Or Do I?

Reflections on How to Heal our Lives, Feed our Souls, and Fund our Dreams  Happy Mother’s Day to my Mom, Maurine J. Sackett, picture on the right, last June in the Cusco region of Peru. We were on our way to visit Macchu Picchu before going to Juliaca, where she had lived as a young child. Her parents were missionaries there, and started a medical clinic that is now Clinica Americana. We helped them celebrate their

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Remembering Columbine

[This post was published April 20, 2013]  A few evenings ago, I had the privilege of eating dinner in the Bistro at Aspen Grove, in Littleton, Colorado (USA) with a good friend and colleague. She and I talked about the Boston Marathon, her niece who ran it this year, how my friend found out about the bombing, how her niece fared in the race, and most importantly WAS SHE SAFE? (She was.)  My friend got

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There’s Magic in Being a CASIGY MisFit

For CASIGY’s (Creative, Acutely Aware, Super-sensitive, Intense, Gifted You), our differences and vulnerabilities can be big obstacles to finding our passion(s) and fulfill our mission(s) in life. Gifted adults, teens and kids can often feel like Rudolph in the Christmas legend. Surely you know the story? According to the legend, young reindeer at the North Pole drill and compete to get the chance to pull Santa’s sleigh on Christmas. But Rudolph was different from all the

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