Call Sharon Today for a New Tomorrow: 303-987-0346


LifeCraft™ Webinars  help the

Creative, Sensitive and Gifted

Hand-Craft a Life You Love to Live.

Sharon Barnes offers periodic online LifeCraft™ Webinars.

Webinar-my-webiste-on-computer-screen There are times when reading web pages, blog posts, books and articles just isn’t suitable. You want to be able to ask questions and interact. BUT you don’t want to have to travel across town or around the world to attend.  That’s when a Webinar comes in handy.  You participate online, where you have a visual of the slides being shown as well as the video feed of the speaker(s). You may listen by phone or your computer speakers, and you may ask questions and interact with the speaker. In some LifeCraft™ Webinars, Sharon is the speaker. Other times, she brings in a Guest Speaker.
Each LifeCraft™ Webinar is focused on some aspect of helping CASIGYs™ (Creative, Acutely Aware, Super-Sensitive, Intense and/or Gifted You-s) Craft a Life You Love to Live! Some are relevant for adults, others for parents and teachers of children, teens or young adults.

Upcoming LifeCraft™ Webinars:

Watch this spot for future webinars!

Here’s our Featured Webinar Recording!

Here's a Few More of Sharon's Previous LifeCraft™ Webinars.

(Just click on the title to watch each one)

Featured Quote

Everybody who has knitted or done weaving or embroidery knows what an agreeable effect this can have, for you can be quiet and lazy without feeling guilty and also can spin your own thoughts while working. You can relax and follow your fantasy and then get up and say you have done something! Also the work demands patience which , . . . is quite an exercise.

— Marie Louise Von Franz