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CASIGYs™ Creative Transformations Blog

Helping the Creative, Sensitive, or Gifted, AKA CASIGYs™, Thrive, Heal, Become Fully Alive and Fulfill Your Destiny

Recognizing our limits

“Since using the Personal Power Pyramid almost very day, we’re recognizing our limits in time to honor them, instead or running right over them like we used to do. This helps us in so many ways.” Mom of 10 year old gifted girl.

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Using ACES tools creates peace

We’re ALL using the ACES tools almost every day in some way. It helps our intense family members all be more peaceful and take challenges in stride much better than we used to. Mom of 7 & 9 year old highly sensitive boys.

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Courage Cycles

I like your cycles of discouragement and encouragement. We barely scratched the surface of you have here. I want to learn more. Attendee CAGT 2016

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I like all the steps in the pyramid to help Gifted kids become social-emotional aces. We need more time to learn more about all of this! Attendee CAGT 2016

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Ride the Waves

I like how you showed that gifted kids can learn to accept and ride their waves of emotion. Attendee CAGT 2016

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I like your acronym of CASIGY to describe gifted characteristics quickly. Attendee CAGT 2016

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Core Emotional Strength

I like how you equate core physical strength to core emotional strength and show us some ways to develop the emotional core strength! Attendee CAGT 2016

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CASIGY Toolbox

I like all the tools in the CASIGY toolbox. Thanks for sharing them with us! Attendee CAGT 2016

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5 G’s

The 5 G’s are great. I also liked your many analogies. I want to learn more about how symptoms can be a sign to grow and develop and also how to recognize and appropriately express emotions. Attendee CAGT 2016

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You were engaging. This is great. I like the pyramid in general. I want to learn more about it. Understanding barriers to feeling and expressing our emotions is good. I want to learn more about this too. Attendee CAGT 2016

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