CASIGYs™ Creative Transformations Blog

Helping the Creative, Sensitive, or Gifted, AKA CASIGYs™, Thrive, Heal, Become Fully Alive and Fulfill Your Destiny

Keep the Jumps Small

Let yourself write badly. You can rewrite later. Paint rotten canvases. You can paint over them. Just do ten minutes at the piano. It’s better than none. Think of yourself as a skittish horse. Keep the jumps small. Julia Cameron.

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Creative and Contemplative Handwork Is a Deep Practice

Creative and Contemplative Handwork is a deep creative, spiritual, emotional and emotional practice. The process of making something which tangibly demonstrates our inner state and represents our inner process reaches deep within us, taps into and brings out emotion and experience that cannot be found or expressed otherwise. If a picture is worth a thousand words, a picture that the Self creates is worth a hundred thousand words. We create something for which we have

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The difference between a creative person and a creative producer

Here’s our special quote in honor of Labor Day: The difference between a creative person and a creative producer is hard work. Those who actually produce the play, build the rocket, find the cure, and write the novel don’t let their ideas collect dust on the “tomorrow’ shelf. They dig in, often before they feel completely ready, and keep digging until they unearth what they are searching for. It is the unglamorous, relentless, dirty-hands effort

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There’s Magic in Being a CASIGY MisFit

For CASIGY’s (Creative, Acutely Aware, Super-sensitive, Intense, Gifted You), our differences and vulnerabilities can be big obstacles to finding our passion(s) and fulfill our mission(s) in life. Gifted adults, teens and kids can often feel like Rudolph in the Christmas legend. Surely you know the story? According to the legend, young reindeer at the North Pole drill and compete to get the chance to pull Santa’s sleigh on Christmas. But Rudolph was different from all the

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The Wilderness

To learn to see, to learn to hear, you must do this—go into the wilderness alone. Don Jose quoted by Joan Halifax.

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Some people will never understand anything….because they understand everything too soon. Alexander Pope.

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