Reflective tools
I like the reflective tools – they will help me help my students emotionally. Attendee CAGT 2016
Helping the Creative, Sensitive, or Gifted, AKA CASIGYs™, Thrive, Heal, Become Fully Alive and Fulfill Your Destiny
I like the reflective tools – they will help me help my students emotionally. Attendee CAGT 2016
I like what you taught about gifted, sensitive kids being racehorses. I also like the resources you gave. Thank you! Attendee CAGT 2016
Your metaphors are a wonderful way to create and construct meaning. I love the Tune in Tool and waves as a way to monitor the level of emotions. Attendee CAGT 2016
I like how you bring in the Hero’s Journey and how gifted students’ differences are an invitation to this inner adventure. I want to learn more in how to help GT students understand this too. Attendee CAGT 2016
I liked learning that the top three issues facing gifted people are over sensitivity, anxiety and depression. Attendee CAGT 2016
I like ACES – how gifted students can become social and emotional ACES. I like the tools you teach to help them do that. Attendee CAGT 2016
I like how you teach describe the intensity of your emotions like different colored flags flying on a beach. Also, I like how the part about does the color of your flag match what’s actually happening on the beach helps refocus. Attendee CAGT 2016
I like how you showed us Jung’s approach and how it means that many gifted have a need to develop personally to a deeper, higher level, and that problems are an “invitation to grow and develop further”. Attendee, CAGT 2016
I like how you teach a strong reflective process for emotional stiumuli. Attendee CAGT 2016
I like how you showed us that gifted students have a more perceptive and more reactive central nervous system – that it’s faster, stronger, more intense. Attendee CAGT 2016
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