Sharon connects with teen
I’m happy about Sharon’s ability to connect with my 17 year old highly sensitive daughter! She was excited to get to go again!
Helping the Creative, Sensitive, or Gifted, AKA CASIGYs™, Thrive, Heal, Become Fully Alive and Fulfill Your Destiny
I’m happy about Sharon’s ability to connect with my 17 year old highly sensitive daughter! She was excited to get to go again!
She comes across so knowledgeable, caring and I am so happy to have her working with my daughter! She made my daughter feel so comfortable and cared for and is happy to go back and learn all she can from Sharon.
Sharon, I loved tonight’s webinar on CASIGYs™ – Thank you for helping me discover that I’m not a misfit, I’m different by design! 🙂 Rose W.
Today’s Webinar was informative, comprehensive, and extremely helpful. You proved an absolute connection with people who fit CASIGY characteristics and I want to take a brief moment in time to personally Thank You. I can hardly wait for the next webinar. With heartfelt appreciation ..thanks again. HC
Thank you so much! Honestly, this really helps me understand myself a lot better and learn that I can heal myself and find my place in life. I feel that I’m not alone with my feelings and sensitivity. HA 10-19-2014
Helped to know how/why GT population is more impacted than are others by trauma. Normal response to trauma is good. Thanks for “When to seek counseling”. GT educator, GT parent. SENG conference 2015.
Your presentation was extremely rich in material. So many practical ways to deal with things, heal and help others. The in-session breathing exercise was great. Thanks so much! Loved it! FA, GT adult,GT parent. SENG Conference 2015.
I liked your “I wonder if….” tool for helping kids identify their emotions . WP, GT educator, GT adult, GT parent. SENG conference 2015.
Great coping skills and still more coping skills! Your understanding is the best. BB. GT educator, GT adult, GT parent. SENG Conference 2015.
Your container technique for trauma is the best. HM, SENG Conference 2015.
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